Inequality Index Reports
Inequality Crisis



The Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index monitors what governments are doing through their policy commitments to reduce inequality. We believe inequality is far from inevitable. It is a policy choice and governments have considerable powers to reduce the gap between the rich and poor in their countries. The CRI Index is developed and delivered through a partnership between Development Finance International and Oxfam International, with inputs from independent experts.

Index in action

You can see the full report of the CRI 2022 here

The CRI Index aims to enable activists to use the data in their own campaigning and advocacy. We also aim to put data and tools in the hands of journalists, advocates, researchers and policy makers, and encourage the use of the index by others.

Explore the index

A global ranking of governments based on what they are doing to tackle the gap between rich and poor. The Index ranks 161 governments across the world on their commitment to reducing inequality. The Index measures government policies and actions in three areas that are proven to be directly related to reducing inequality; public services (education, health and social protection); taxation; and, workers’ rights.

About us

The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index is a joint project by Development Finance International and Oxfam International who have come together to launch this powerful tool in the fight against inequality.

Oxfam and Development Finance International’s insightful investigation into what governments are actually doing to reduce inequality could not have come at a better time. Based on careful, systematic and scientific use of the available data, it does much more than simply rank countries to provide objective assessments of their performance on this crucial issue; it provides an urgent wake up call to all governments about what can be done in terms of taxation, spending and labour policies.






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